AdSense Tracker
Adsense Tracker is a software system that can help you to track your efforts how to get better Performances (your website/blog) with good ranking in the search engines, build some important links, build nice content, and also you will quickly see which ads produced the highest number of clicks.
Adsense Tracker make tracking to your adSense Ads may get click by visitor, So you will have the hidden knowledge about what it is that your visitors are really looking for.
Adsense Tracker with depth analysis tools, track your Adsense Ad performance.
AdSense Tracker will give you report about Click Through Rate (CTR) of every page on your site, it's mean you will know which content is generating the clicks.AdSense Tracker increase your earning by telling you which ad formats and color combinations work best by giving you high Click Through Rate.AdSense Tracker help you maximize AdSense profits by reporting ; which search engines should you optimize, which keywords are important to make your site get ranking on Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Adsense tracker also help you to decide which URL better to be your link.AdSense Tracker also track your AdSense channels and your own custom channels.AdSense Tracker tells you the CTR and totals for each directory and subdirectory of your website.AdSense Tracker provided you with detail information about every click such as IP address of the clicker, which Ad was clicked, what page the ad was clicked on, the date and time of the click and the original referrer that sent the visitor to your site.Wow, really interesting! AdSense Tracker also tracks Google AdLinks.By Using Adsense tracker you can improve your Ads performance and optimize your revenue from your Ads business in the content of your website. Adsense tracker is one of key to be success in Ads publisher by earning more money.
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